The pregnant dog was tied to a post and abandoned in the middle of the night. She was really desperate because no one loved her anymore.alva01


Seeing a  dog saying goodbye to its family is always a heartbreak. Yet, seeing one being cruelly abandoned by his loved ones without even knowing what’s going on is beyond words.

The moment of realization that they are being left at the mercy of the unknown triggers a lifelong trauma that these four-legged creatures have to cope with. And, sadly, many of them never get a second chance for a decent life.

One such case of abandonment was recorded by a man’s security camera. A  dog thought that she was just about to have a nice night walk with her owner, when all of a sudden, the unimaginable happened!

An Act Of Pure Cruelty

recordings of camera

The man from the neighborhood who saw the footage on his security camera from the night before couldn’t believe his eyes.

A heartless owner pretended to take his Pittie  dog for a walk, when the two stopped in front of a bar. Then, the moment of pure cruelty happened!

The man leashed the dog to a nearby pole with the clear intention of leaving it there.

dog on camera

The dog, still not knowing what was going on, wagged her tail, and was completely relaxed. Never could she imagine that her owner would abandon her there. But, then, only seconds away, he walked away.

The Pittie stood there for a while, looking in the direction of her owner and hoping that he would eventually come back for her.

Sadly, that never happened, and the  dog lied on the ground truly heartbroken.

But, unlike her owner, luck never turned its back on this Pittie!

Saved By The Bell

pregnant white dog

After seeing the camera footage, the man contacted the vet and the giant-hearted  dog rescuer, Dr. Nathy.

When she heard the dog’s heartbreaking story, she spared no time and immediately rushed to the said place the next day. There, a Pittie was lying in despair  hiding a shocking secret!

It wasn’t obvious the night before, but this female Pittie actually carried a litter and was only days away from giving birth.

white old dog in a car

Nathy was shocked to realize that the  dog was left on her own in such a state. Only a few minutes later, she loaded the dog into her car and brought her home.

The dog, later named Laura, required immediate care and a cozy place to be. With her big belly, she looked like she was about to deliver her babies any minute.

Nathy was extremely grateful for running into this brave and resilient girl just in time. And, Laura seemed to be happy, too! She completely gave in, finding comfort in her new foster momma’s lap. Somehow, she knew that from now on, everything would be alright.

Wonderful Turn Of Events

white mother dog and its puppies

Only a couple of days later, Laura made her caregiver’s day with the sweetest surprise ever!

She delivered five healthy babies, who were named Mark, David, Shannon, Bob, and Maki. All of them were perfectly healthy and in the good hands of both Nathy and their mom, Laura.

The pups and the mom stayed at Nathy’s place throughout the whole nursing period. And, when the time for a new home came, the pups found the way to their new hoomans.

Then, Nathy and Laura were surprised again!

woman with tattoo hugging a dog

An amazing family offered to give their home to this incredible Pittie mom. After all she had been through, Nathy was beyond happy to be able to send Laura to a good home.

It was a bittersweet moment to say one last goodbye to this Pittie, but Nathy knew it was for the best.


Laura weathered the worst storm of her life, and now she is finally able to enjoy the coziness of a forever home. And, most importantly, she will never, ever have to worry about being abandoned again!

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