Powerful and peaceful water birth photos


Couple in bathtub with newborn baby postpartum

Water alleviates the pain of childbirth naturally. So it makes sense that many women crave being submerged in a birthing tub during labor, while transitioning, or even when giving birth. Regardless of what stage of the birth story you capture, the photos that document water births are powerful and beautiful.

We’ve collected some incredible water birth photos that showcase the peacefulness of water birth, the power of a woman, and the wonder of baby’s first few moments after birth.

Check out this midwife in the making: About 40 minutes after this photo was taken, this big sister caught her baby sister and handed her to her mother. Absolutely incredible!

pregnant woman laboring in tub

Sometimes, in the midst of it all, we forget that we’re in control. Sometimes all that’s needed is a quiet nudge, a subtle reminder: You are enough

woman giving birth in water

This little one was born at home right into Daddy’s waiting hands.

father and daughter supporting mom giving birth in water

This birth was a family affair as this momma came in and out of the bathtub and worked to bring her baby earthside, lovingly supported by her husband and children

little girl helping mommy as she labors in birthing tub

This momma had the best helper – her 5-year-old daughter. Any time Mum was vocal during a surge, her daughter looked around the room at each person on their birthing team. Since nobody was panicking, she was able to make that connection that this was normal and her Mum was totally fine. She was so excited to watch her little sister being born.

newbornbaby and mom in birthing tub with placenta

Born into the water, baby and momma rested comfortably together, getting to know each other all over again.

happy man and woman with newborn baby in birthing tub

You couldn’t wipe the smile off this new momma’s face after bringing her sweet babe into her arms. That oxytocin rush is like no other. newborn baby under water

A beautiful, hands-off birth. This little one was birthed into the water, directly into their mother’s hands.

shocked mother with newborn in birthing tub

This Momma’s face says it all: That moment when you realize you finally did it is so special! This babe was birthed at home, surrounded by family and a supportive birthing team.

father helping partner deliver newborn in birthing tub

Assisted by their midwife, this new daddy caught his daughter and lovingly placed her on his partner’s chest. Incredible team work!

tattooed woman pushing newborn baby out into water

Halfway between worlds, from one form of water to another.

woman pulling reaching for newborn baby in birthing tub

A moment of stillness and peace as baby transitions into the outside world. From one warm place to another, directly into their mother’s arms. |

man and woman in birthing tub holding newborn baby

This momma worked so hard to bring this baby earthside after a 27-hour labor. Birthed in a dark room with Christmas lights and a strong, supportive daddy, this little boy instinctually reached for his momma as she brought him into her arms.

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