Red Carpet PDA in Hollywood: Contrasting Couples with Selena and Justin, Cardi B’s Shocking Disgust, Brad Pitt’s Comparison to Tom Cruise.mariko


hile many stars are quite discreet when attending the red carpet with their lovers, many couples are very comfortable making love in front of the camera lens. Intimate kisses have become a familiar image in many red carpets and major events. Among the couples who were openly affectionate, the audience divided them into two “sides”, one side was shy and shy, the other side… acted too much, making viewers blush.

1. Offset and Cardi B

Hollywood stars kiss on the red carpet: Selena and Justin couple are opposites, Cardi B's shocking reaction, Brad Pitt is not as good as Tom Cruise - Photo 2.

The famous rapper couple has never been afraid to show their affection publicly on the red carpet. Not only did Cardi B stand and kiss normally, but she also overdid it and leaned back, making fans sigh helplessly.

Hollywood stars kiss on the red carpet: Selena and Justin couple are opposites, Cardi B's shocking reaction, Brad Pitt is not as good as Tom Cruise - Photo 3.

The audience only wishes that this couple could kiss normally, rather than sticking their tongues out like this

Hollywood stars kiss on the red carpet: Selena and Justin couple are opposites, Cardi B's shocking reaction, Brad Pitt is not as good as Tom Cruise - Photo 4.

Even when Cardi B wore a flared dress and couldn’t stand next to her boyfriend, she still found a way to kiss Offset from a distance.

Hollywood stars kiss on the red carpet: Selena and Justin couple are opposites, Cardi B's shocking reaction, Brad Pitt is not as good as Tom Cruise - Photo 5.

Male rapper Offset also publicly squeezed his girlfriend’s breasts on the Grammy Gala red carpet. This sensitive moment became a controversial topic on social networks, with netizens saying they had crossed the line and did not respect the audience.

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