Sky Tiger K30W AAGV Production for the Republic of Korea Army is Expanded by Hanwha Aerospace


Hanwha Aerospace, formerly known as Hanwha Defense, has recently inked a significant contract with the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) to commence mass production of the Sky Tiger 30mm Anti-Aircraft Gun Wheeled Vehicle Systems (K30W AAGV) for the Republic of Korea Army (ROKA). This milestone agreement was reached on December 22, following a series of successful field tests and evaluations conducted between May and August of 2022. The development of this cutting-edge wheeled-type short-range air defense system was led by Hanwha Aerospace, with active participation from several major firms as well as approximately 200 small firms.

The K30W AAGV, set to be mass-produced by Hanwha Aerospace, is based on Hyundai Rotem’s K808 8×8 armored vehicle and has been specifically designed to efficiently counter low-flying aircraft and drones. This new system will replace the aging 20mm M167 Vulcan Air Defense System, which has faithfully served the South Korean Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps for over four decades. Weighing in at 26.5 tons and capable of reaching speeds of up to 90 km/h, the K30W AAGV features a two-man turret similar to the one used on the K30 Biho self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG).

The K30W AAGV boasts an impressive array of features, including an electro-optical tracking system and a periscope for target detection and automatic tracking. It offers a cyclic rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute and an effective anti-aircraft range of 3,000 meters (1.9 miles), with each gun equipped with 300 rounds of ready-to-use ammunition. The firing control system of the 30mm AAGV incorporates Electro-Optical Targeting Systems (EOTS) and a Visual Targeting System, enabling automatic tracking and self-targeting capabilities. Its firing range extends to 3 kilometers, 1.2 kilometers farther than the M167.

The vehicle is crewed by three personnel, including a commander, gunner, and driver, with the possibility of accommodating additional operators. The driver is positioned towards the front on the right side, with the diesel power pack located to the left. The commander and gunner occupy the turret. Notably, this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun features an all-welded armored hull that provides protection against small arms fire and artillery shell splinters. It is expected to complement the tracked K30 Biho self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG). Additionally, the K808/806 White Tiger (Baekho) wheeled armored personnel carrier belongs to the same family of 8×8 and 6×6 armored vehicles.

This contract signifies a significant step forward in enhancing the Republic of Korea Army’s air defense capabilities, replacing an aging system with a cutting-edge solution that is poised to protect Korean skies for years to come.

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