Cardi B’s Daring See-Through Streetwear: A Fashion Trend That Sparks Controversy and Captivates Attention.


Fans are familiar with Cardi B’s unusual fashion sense. But the female rapper’s latest outfit still confuses people.

When walking on the street, people often wear comfortable clothes and sneakers, but Cardi B chose a design that hurts people’s eyes.

The rapper stands out on the streets of Los Angeles, California in a dress that ‘reveals’ her entire body. The shoulders and skirt hem are made from white wool, causing even more confusion.

Cardi B's see-through streetwear fashion is painful to look at. Photo 1

It turns out that the dress is not completely transparent, it is just an optical illusion.

Cardi B's see-through streetwear fashion hurts the eyes. Photo 2
Cardi B's see-through streetwear fashion hurts the eyes Photo 3

Fashion designer Pierre-Louis Auvray is the creator of Cardi B’s strange dress. In the photo posted on Instagram, he said that the body of the dress creates the illusion of the wearer’s entire body being exposed, but in reality The shape of a woman has been printed on red fabric.

Cardi B's see-through streetwear fashion hurts the eyes Photo 4

However, the material of the dress is still semi-transparent. We can still see Cardi B’s tattoos and black lingerie under the fabric. To complete her appearance and protect herself amid the epidemic, the rapper did not forget to wear a red mask, combined with long nails and sandals with Yves Saint Laurent stones.

That wasn’t Cardi B’s only strange New Year’s outfit. During the epidemic break, Cardi B is still very active in showing off new outfits on Instagram.

Cardi B's see-through streetwear fashion hurts the eyes. Photo 5

On January 7, she shared a photo of herself wearing a pink outfit designed by Rey Ortiz. Her outfit has a flirty bra and exposed underwear, the same fashion promoted by young supermodels like Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid. She paired Balenciaga boots worth $1,290 with a Louis Vuitton handbag worth $3,900.

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