In a 60-minute match, Randy Orton and John Cena ultimately resolved their score. Any Goes in an Ironman Match


May 15, 2024 – In what can only be described as a monumental clash of titans, WWE legends Randy Orton and John Cena brought their storied rivalry to a thrilling conclusion in a 60-minute Anything Goes Ironman Match. Fans were treated to an unforgettable night of intense action and high drama as these two superstars pushed their bodies and spirits to the limit in a bid to finally settle their score.

The Rivalry Revisited

Randy Orton and John Cena’s rivalry is one of the most storied in WWE history, spanning over a decade and featuring numerous epic encounters. Both superstars have carved out legacies that have cemented their status as icons in the wrestling world. Their latest confrontation was highly anticipated, promising to be a definitive chapter in their long-standing feud.

The Match

The 60-minute Anything Goes Ironman Match format ensured that the action was relentless and unforgiving. From the moment the bell rang, Orton and Cena engaged in a brutal back-and-forth, utilizing every ounce of their experience and resilience. The match saw the use of various weapons, high-risk maneuvers, and a display of sheer willpower as both men sought to outlast and outscore the other.

Cena struck first with a series of power moves, but Orton quickly retaliated, showcasing his signature calculated aggression. The score remained tight throughout the match, with each competitor securing multiple pinfalls and submissions. The intensity only grew as the clock ticked down, with neither man willing to give an inch.

Key Moments

One of the match’s standout moments came when Orton delivered a devastating RKO through a table, earning a crucial fall and sending the crowd into a frenzy. Cena, known for his never-give-up attitude, responded with an Attitude Adjustment onto the steel steps, leveling the score once again.

As the match entered its final minutes, the atmosphere was electric. Both superstars were visibly exhausted, yet they continued to fight with everything they had. In the closing seconds, Cena locked in the STF, forcing Orton to tap out just before the buzzer sounded, securing the decisive fall and clinching the victory.

The Aftermath

With the final bell, John Cena emerged victorious, but the match was a testament to the enduring spirit and tenacity of both men. The WWE Universe showed their appreciation with a standing ovation, acknowledging the incredible effort and heart displayed by Orton and Cena.

Post-match, Cena extended a hand to Orton in a gesture of respect, signaling perhaps the end of their legendary rivalry. Orton, after a moment of contemplation, accepted, and the two shared a nod of mutual respect, providing a fitting conclusion to their epic saga.


The 60-minute Anything Goes Ironman Match between Randy Orton and John Cena will undoubtedly go down as one of the most memorable encounters in WWE history. It was a night where both men showcased their unmatched skill, determination, and heart, delivering a classic that fans will talk about for years to come. With this match, Cena and Orton have not only settled their score but also solidified their legacies as two of the greatest superstars to ever step foot in the squared circle.

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