What Magic Johnson ‘hates’ about Celtics’ championship


For fans of basketball, few rivalries are as iconic as that between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Boston Celtics. This legendary feud, steeped in history and competition, is personified by none other than Magic Johnson. As a Lakers legend, Johnson’s career is intricately tied to the highs and lows of this storied rivalry.

Recently, in an interview, Magic Johnson opened up about his feelings regarding the Celtics’ championships, and it’s safe to say that his competitive spirit is still very much alive. When asked what he “hates” most about the Celtics’ success, Johnson didn’t hold back.

1. The Sting of Defeat:

Johnson recalled the intense battles during the 1980s, a decade that saw the Lakers and Celtics face off in the NBA Finals three times. Despite his many victories, the losses still sting. The Celtics were a formidable adversary, and their ability to snatch victory from the Lakers remains a sore point for Johnson. “Losing to the Celtics in the Finals, especially in 1984, was one of the toughest moments of my career,” Johnson confessed. “You never forget that kind of pain.”

2. The Celtics’ Dominance:

Another aspect that irks Johnson is the Celtics’ historical dominance. With 17 championships, the Celtics hold one more title than the Lakers. This slight edge is something that Johnson, a fierce competitor, finds hard to accept. “As a Laker, you always want to be the best, and knowing the Celtics have that one extra championship is tough,” he admitted. “It’s a constant reminder of our rivalry and the need to keep pushing for greatness.”

3. The Unrelenting Fans:

Johnson also mentioned the relentless nature of Celtics fans, who never miss an opportunity to remind him of their team’s successes. “Celtics fans are passionate and loyal, and they love to remind me of those championships,” Johnson said with a chuckle. “It’s all in good fun, but man, they really know how to get under your skin!”

4. Respect Amid Rivalry:

Despite these grievances, Johnson’s tone is one of deep respect. He acknowledges the talent and determination of those Celtics teams, particularly the likes of Larry Bird, Kevin McHale, and Robert Parish. “As much as I hate losing to them, I have to respect what they achieved,” Johnson said. “They pushed us to be better and made the rivalry something special.”


Magic Johnson’s reflections on the Celtics’ championships reveal the heart of a true competitor—someone who thrives on challenge and relishes in the pursuit of excellence. His “hate” for the Celtics’ success is less about animosity and more about a profound respect for one of the greatest rivalries in sports history. It’s this dynamic that has fueled some of the most memorable moments in NBA history, and it’s a rivalry that continues to captivate fans around the world.

This piece should capture the essence of Magic Johnson’s feelings about the Celtics’ championship success while highlighting the respect and rivalry that define this historic sports feud.

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