Aye Aye monkeys are considered the embodiment of evil


(DSPL) – With an ugly face, long tail, large and protruding ears, and strong teeth, Aye Aye monkeys on Madagascar island easily die unjustly because local people consider them the embodiment of evil.

The Aye Aye monkey has the scientific name Daubentonia madagascariensis, currently only found in the eastern forests of Madagascar. They often live in tree hollows.

Aye Aye Monkeys are considered the embodiment of evil.

This species is quite small in size, weighing about 3kg, with a body length of only about 25 – 40cm. They have a rather long and large tail. The hair on the body is usually dark brown or black, the neck and face are covered with white hair. They are distinguished by their large, dark ears that point forward. The muzzle is relatively pointed, the eyes are round and large. The front teeth are large and very strong. The fingers are slim and very long.

This is an omnivorous animal. They eat fruits, tree nuts, insects, nectar, mushrooms… They especially like to eat beetles and hard-shelled fruits like coconuts and hard seeds like hemp seeds.

They do not have a breeding season or in other words, they can give birth anytime they want. The average lifespan of this species is 10 years old. Currently, the Aye Aye monkey species is in an extremely endangered situation. If not protected, in the near future, Aye Aye monkeys will only appear in books.

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