Strange discovery of a goat with a suffering human face in India


India The goat acts normally despite having a deformed face, and is worshiped by villagers as the embodiment of gods.

Kỳ lạ con dê mang khuôn mặt người đau khổ ở Ấn Độ

A baby goat with human-like eyes and mouth was born in Nimodia village on the outskirts of Jaipur city, Rajasthan state. The owner, Mukeshji Prajapap, shared a video of a black goat with a strange face earlier this week. The seemingly healthy goat limped around the room and continuously wagged its short tail.

It may be due to a rare birth defect called cyclopia, which forms in the fetus when the left and right hemispheres of the brain do not separate as usual in the early stages of the embryo. This results in the formation of a central hollow cavity with a single eye, sometimes partially fused or separated. Eyelashes and eyelids are non-existent.

The upper and lower lips still form but are often very small, accompanied by a short and toothless upper jaw, causing the animal’s tongue to protrude. This syndrome also occurs in many other animals such as horses, pigs, cows, cats and sharks.

Dê đột biến có mặt giống người

In 2017, a one-eyed goat was born in the village of Assam, India. It also has only one complete ear, no nose, eyelids or eyelashes, and unusually small and incomplete teeth. Veterinarians predicted the newborn goat would die within days but it survived.

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