Effect of Taylor Swift: Travis and Jason Kelce express gratitude to Swifties for selecting them as “Podcast of the Year”. hanh


Jason Kelce and Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce made sure to thank their fans for their major win, especially Taylor Swift’s loyal Swifties.

On Monday night, March 11, the 2024 iHeartPodcast Awards went down live from SXSW in Austin, Tx. During the show, the Kelce brothers’ podcast New Heights earned the award for Podcast of the Year. They couldn’t make it to the event, but they did send in a video of their reaction to the win. The former Philadelphia Eagles player and the 4x Super Bowl champion made sure to thank everyone for listening to their show including the Swifties.

“This is an incredible honor especially for two jabronis like us,” Jason Kelce said.

“To receive an award like this is beyond humbling and we’d be remiss if we didn’t immediately thank all the 92%’ers out there a.k.a Swifties, who voted for us to win this award,” he continued.

“Thank you guys for everything,” Travis said. “We truly have the best fanbase in the entire world. Thank you guys for voting every single day of every single month and every hour that day.”

Jason and Travis Kelce launched their New Heights podcast back in 2022. Since then, their show has become one of the most popular sports podcasts in the industry. The Kelce Bros also won the award for Best Overall Ensemble. Their big win at the iHeartPodcast Awards comes shortly after they confirmed some news about the future of their show.

Over the weekend, a billboard appeared that promoted a live taping of their podcast at the Nippert Stadium in their hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio. The show’s official X/Twitter account confirmed the event and said more info about the live podcast shows is “coming



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