M?n???ct????: G?n???l D?n?mics L?n? S?st?ms
S??vic?: US A?m?
En?in?: C?t???ill?? C7, 350 h?
A?m?m?nt: M2 .50 c?l. m?chin? ??n ?? MK19 40mm ???n??? l??nch?? m??nt?? in ? P??t?ct?? (RWS) ??m?t? w????n st?ti?n; .50-c?l M2 MG ?n? M240 7.62 mm MG
Th? ?i?ht-wh??l?? St??k?? c?m??t v?hicl? is th? U.S. A?m?’s St??k?? B?i???? C?m??t T??m ??im??? c?m??t ?n? c?m??t s?????t ?l?t???m ?n? th? ??c?l ??int ?? this ?n??in? ?h?s? ?? A?m? T??ns???m?ti?n. Si?ni?ic?ntl? li?ht?? ?n? m??? t??ns???t??l? th?n ?xistin? t?nks ?n? ??m???? v?hicl?s, th? St??k?? ??l?ills ?n imm??i?t? ????i??m?nt t? ???vi?? C?m??t?nt C?mm?n???s with ? st??t??ic?ll? ???l????l? (C-17/C-5) ?n? ?????ti?n?ll? ???l????l? (C-130) ??i???? c????l? ?? ???i? m?v?m?nt ?n?wh??? ?n th? ?l??? in ? c?m??t ????? c?n?i????ti?n.
On F??????? 27, 2002, Th? A?m? ???m?ll? n?m?? its n?w Int??im A?m???? V?hicl? th? “St??k??” in ? c???m?n? ?t F??t L???????l?, Fl?. Th? St??k?? is ? hi?hl? ???l????l?-wh??l?? ??m???? v?hicl? th?t c?m?in?s ?i????w??, ??ttl??i?l? m??ilit?, s??viv??ilit? ?n? v??s?tilit?, with ????c?? l??istics ????i??m?nts.
Th? v?hicl? w?s n?m?? in h?n?? ?? tw? M???l ?? H?n?? ??ci?i?nts: P?c. St???t S. St??k??, wh? s??v?? in W??l? W?? II, ?n? S?c. R????t F. St??k??, wh? s??v?? in Vi?tn?m. Th? St??k?? will ?? ? ??im??? w????ns ?l?t???m ??? th? IBCTs. It will ?ssist th? IBCT in c?v??in? th? n???-t??m c????iliti?s ??? ??tw??n ??? L???c? F??c? h??v? ?n? li?ht ?nits. Th? St??k??-???i???? IBCT will ???vi?? th? j?int ?n? m?ltin?ti?n?l ???c? c?mm?n??? inc???s?? ?????ti?n?l ?n? t?ctic?l ?l?xi?ilit? t? ?x?c?t? th? ??st-??c??, ?ist?i??t??, n?n-c?nti????s ?????ti?ns ?nvisi?n?? ?c??ss th? ??ll s??ct??m ?? c?n?lict.
Th? St??k?? int??im ??m???? v?hicl? (IAV) is ? 19-t?n, ?i?ht-wh??l?? ??m???? v?hicl? th?t ???vi??s th? A?m? ? ??mil? ?? t?n ?i?????nt v?hicl?s ?n ? c?mm?n ch?ssis. Th? St??k?? c?m??is?s tw? v??i?nts – th? In??nt?? C???i?? V?hicl? (ICV) ?n? th? M??il? G?n S?st?m (MGS). Th? ICV h?s ?i?ht ???iti?n?l c?n?i????ti?ns: M??t?? C???i?? (MC), R?c?nn?iss?nc? V?hicl? (RV), C?mm?n???s V?hicl? (CV), Fi?? S?????t V?hicl? (FSV), M??ic?l Ev?c??ti?n V?hicl? (MEV), En?in??? S???? V?hicl? (ESV), Anti-t?nk G?i??? Missil? V?hicl? (ATGM), ?n? NBC R?c?nn?iss?nc? V?hicl? (NBCRV).
A t?t?l ?? 2,112 St??k??s will ?? ?i?l??? t? th? six SBCTs ?n? t??inin? ??s?. Ei?ht c?n?i????ti?ns ??? in ?????cti?n n?w, th? ?i?st s?st?ms h?vin? ???n ??liv???? t? th? A?m? ???m G?n???l D?n?mics L?n? S?st?ms in F??????? 2002. Th? MGS ?n? NBCRV ??? in ??v?l??m?nt ?n? will ?? ??liv???? ???innin? in 2004.
St??k?? v?hicl?s h?v? ????st ??m?? ???t?cti?n, c?n s?st?in s????s ?? 60 mil?s-???h???, h?v? ???ts c?mm?n?lit? ?n? s?l???c?v??? ??iliti?s ?n? ?ls? h?v? ? c?nt??l ti?? in?l?ti?n s?st?m. Th? In??nt?? C???i?? V?hicl? c???i?s ? nin?-m?n in??nt?? s???? ?n? ? c??w ?? tw? ?n? h?s ? R?m?t? W????n St?ti?n with ?n M2 .50 c?li??? m?chin? ??n ?? MK-19, 40mm ???n??? l??nch??. A??iti?n?ll?, ?n? j?st ?s im???t?nt, th? St??k?? ??mil? ?? v?hicl?s st??ss?s ??????m?nc? ?n? c?mm?n?lit? th?t ????c?s th? l??istics ???t??int ?n? minimiz? s?st?inm?nt c?sts. Th? s?m? ?n?in? ?s?? in th? F?mil? ?? M??i?m T?ctic?l V?hicl?s (FMTV) ??w??s th? St??k??. Th? St??k?? c?n ???ch s????s in ?xc?ss ?? 60 m?h with ? ??n?? ?xc???in? 300 mil?s ?n 53 ??ll?ns ?? ???l.
Th? St??k?? is ??si?n?? t? ?n??l? th? SBCT t? m?n??v?? m??? ??sil? in cl?s? ?n? ????n t????in, whil? ???vi?in? ???t?cti?n in ???n t????in. P?????m?nc? hi?hli?hts incl??? C-130 t??ns???t??ilit?; int??n?tt?? C4ISR c????ilit?; int????l ?ll ????n? ??m?? ???t?cti?n ???m 14.5mm ???j?ctil?s ?n? 152mm ??till??? ?i????st ???t?cti?n (?????????l? t? R?ck?t P????ll?? G??n??? (RPG) ???t?cti?n with ????n ??m??); s?l?-???l??m?nt ?n? s?l?-??c?v??? c????ilit?; ????c?? v?hicl? ?c??stic si?n?t???; ??ilit? t? c???? ? nin?-m?n in??nt?? ?? ?n?in??? s????; ?n? ??nk?? ?n? w?ll ????chin? c????ilit?. Th?s? ??????m?nc? hi?hli?hts ???vi?? ? ???c? th?t will m?v? ???i?l? ?s ? c?h?siv? c?m?in?? ??ms c?m??t t??m, ? c????ilit? n?t c????ntl? in th? A?m? inv?nt???. Th?s? ?tt?i??t?s m?k? th? St??k?? th? A?m?’s ?i?st t??? s?st?m-??-s?st?ms ?n