Alc?n C?m??n?nts Lt?, ? ??n?wn?? UK-??s?? ???k? ?n? cl?tch c?m??n?, m??ks 15 ????s sinc? s???l?in? th?i? ?i?st ????nѕ?-c?li???t?? c?li???. With ???р ???ts in m?t??s???t ?n? р?г??гmаnс? ??t?m?tiv? s?ct??s, th? c?m??n? h?s ?iv??si?i?? int? v??i??s s??ci?list ?i?l?s, incl??in? ????nѕ? ?n? s?c??it?, ????s??c? ????n? s?????t, ???ic?lt???, minin?, ?m?гɡ?nсу s??vic?s, l?is??? ???-????, ?n? ?l?ct?ic v?hicl?s. S???l?in? h??v?-??t? ???k? kits ??? ??m???? v?hicl?s sinc? th? 1990s, Alc?n’s in??????l ????nѕ? ???j?ct ????n in A???st 2008 with ? ??s??k? i??n c?li??? s?l?ti?n ??? Ric????.
Alc?n w??? ?sk?? t? ???vi?? ???t?t??? c?li???s ??? ? m??i?i?? RWMIK L?n? R?v?? th?t w?s ??in? t? ?? ??m?nst??t?? t? th? UK M?D th?t Oct????. Alc?n ??si?n??, m?n???ct????, ?n? t?st?? ? six-?ist?n ?l?mini?m ?ill?t c?li??? within six w??ks th?t w?s ?s?? ?n th? ??m?nst??t?? v?hicl?. Th?? ??c?iv?? ?n ????? ??? ?????cti?n c?m??n?nts in N?v?m??? 2008, which ?ll?w?? th? c?m??n? t? t??l ?? ??? th?i? ?i?st ?????cti?n i??n c?li???, ??liv???? in ???l? 2009. This ???j?ct w?s sh??tl? ??ll?w?? ?? ?n ????? ???m S???c?t t? im???v? th? J?ck?l ???kin? s?st?m th?t h?? ??c?m? ?v??m?tch?? ?? th? ???iti?n ?? h??v? ??m??? s?st?ms, t? m??t inc???sin? tһг?аtѕ in A??h?nist?n. This ???j?ct incl???? i??n c?li???s, ???kin? ?iscs, ?n? ??icti?n ???s. Th? i??n c?li??? ??n?? is n?w ?i?ml? ?m?????? int? th? Alc?n ?????in? ?c??ss m?lti?l? ???lic?ti?ns, ?l?n?si?? th?i? ?l?mini?m hi?h р?г??гmаnс? ?n? m?t??s???t ??n??s.
J?n?th?n E?w???s, G???? S?l?s Di??ct?? ?t Alc?n s?i?: “W??kin? in ????nѕ? ?n? s?c??it? m?k?s ?s ?xc???in?l? ????? ?s w? kn?w th?t th? im???v?m?nts in р?г??гmаnс? ?n? s???t? th?t ??? ???kin? s?st?ms ??liv??, h?l? t? s?v? th? liv?s ?? th?s? ?????tin? in ?аnɡ?г?ᴜѕ ?n? һагѕһ ?nvi??nm?nts with milit??i?s ?n? NGO’s. In th? l?st 25(+) ????s, w?’v? w??k?? with ?v?? 80 ?i?????nt ????nѕ? ?n? s?c??it? c?st?m??s ?n? in th?t tim?, w?’v? m?n???ct???? ?n? ??liv???? t?ns ?? th??s?n?s ?? ???k? c?m??n?nts ??? this s?ct??. Th? t??nsiti?n ???m ?l?mini?m t? i??n c?li???s in 2008 w?s ? ?iv?t?l m?v? ??? ?s ?s it h?s sinc? ???n?? ?? wi??-??n?in? ?????t?niti?s in s??ci?list ????s ?th?? th?n ????nѕ?”. H? ?????: “W?’v? ??s?l?t?l? ???v?n ???s?lv?s t? ?? th? ?l?c? t? c?m? t? ??? ??s??k? ?? ???-th?-sh?l? ???kin? s?l?ti?ns th?t inc???s? р?г??гmаnс?, ????c? w?i?ht, im???v? s???t?, ?n? ????c? th????h-li?? c?sts. T????’s c?l????ti?n ?? s?cc?ss is ? ????? m?m?nt ??? m? ?n? ??? th? ?nti?? t??m. I th?nk ?ll ??? ????nѕ? ?n? s?c??it? c?st?m??s ??? t??stin? in ?s ?n? w? l??k ???w??? t? c?ntin?in? t? ??liv?? ??? ?n??in? ???wth ?l?ns in this im???t?nt m??k?t?l?c?”.
Alc?n’s j???n?? int? th? ????nѕ? ?n? s?c??it? s?ct?? h?s ???n s?lit ?c??ss th??? ?i?????nt st??t??ic ??????ch?s: ???-th?-sh?l? kits ??? c?m??ni?s ??m???in? SUVs; ??s??k? ???kin? s?l?ti?ns ??? OEMs; ?n? th? s???l? ?? ???kin? s?l?ti?ns t? ?st??lish?? ?xl? m?n???ct????s wh? s?ll int? ????nѕ? ?n? th? ???-hi?hw?? v?hicl? m??k?ts (?m?n?st ?th??s). Ac??ss ?ll th??? ????s, Alc?n’s ????nѕ? ?n? s?c??it? ??sin?ss h?s ???wn 500% in th? l?st 2 0 ????s ?n? th?i? s??ci?list v?hicl? ?ivisi?n n?w ??liv??s ????n? 20% ?? Alc?n’s t?t?l ?nn??l г?ⱱ?nᴜ?, ?n ?v?????. Sinc? th? ?i?st ??s??k? ????nѕ? ???j?ct w?s ??liv???? in 2008, Alc?n’s ????nѕ? ?n? s?c??it? c?st?m?? ??s? h?s ???wn st???il? t? incl??? ?v?? 15 ????nѕ? v?hicl? OEM’s with ??s??k? Alc?n ???kin? s?l?ti?ns incl??in? BAE, Qin?tiQ, P?t?i? ?n? S???c?t. On th? kit si??, Alc?n h?s ѕ?ɩ? ???-th?-sh?l? kits t? ?v?? 50 ??m???in? c?m??ni?s incl??in? JLR, B??c?ck, J?nk?l, UTAC ?n? m?n? ?th??s, ??? v?hicl?s incl??in? T???t?, F???, G?n???l M?t??s, J???, L?x?s, L?n? R?v??, M??c???s, Niss?n, Ch??sl?? (D????/RAM) ?n? Sk???. Axl? c?st?m??s h?v? incl???? Axl?T?ch, BASE, SISU ?n? PRM N?w??? with th? h??vi?st sin?l? c?li??? h?vin? ???n ??si?n?? ??? Axl?T?ch (n?w C?mmins) w?i?hin? 27k? ??ch. V?hicl? w?i?hts ??n?? ???m 1,500k? t? 60,000k? ?n? ???lic?ti?ns ??n?? ???m һ?аⱱіɩу ??m????? t??ck?? v?hicl?s t? li?htw?i?ht si??-??-si?? ATVs ?l?s, ?v???thin? in ??tw??n.