Strange bird with masterful camouflage ability in nature


Video: Strange bird with masterful camouflage ability in nature

The owl is known as the master of camouflage in nature, so it will be very difficult for you to see this bird.

Hodgson’s frogmouth is a unique species of owl and is often confused with the barn owl. But actually it is a bird of the genus owl, a family of birds in the order Caprimulgiformes (birds of prey that operate at night and live mainly in trees).

Unlike other owls that often fly around all night looking for prey, quack-billed owls often just stand still, stalking, and when they see their prey missing, they rush to attack. But because of its small and weak legs, this animal can only hunt mainly insects.

Mr. Tim Faulkner, an Australian wildlife expert, said that this bird can eat any creature that fits in its mouth. The favorite food of the beaked owl is small insects, but when hungry they can eat mice, lizards, frogs, frogs…

New - hot - Video: Strange bird with masterful camouflage ability in nature

The barred owl is commonly found in forests in India, Southeast Asia and Australia.

The mouth of the barred owl looks quite strange because it is quite similar to a frog’s mouth. However, this special feature does not make them special, but thanks to its excellent camouflage ability.

When mature, the barred owl has feathers with colors of brown, gray, chestnut, and subtle red-brown highlights. Thanks to this feather, the owl looks like a tree trunk and is almost invisible when perched on a branch.

” When threatened, the owl will assume a dead tree branch, a particularly motionless stance, by perching at a slight angle with its head erect, feathers pressed against its body, and eyes closed. “With a background of branches and trunks, they are almost impossible to detect ,” said Gisela Kaplan, professor of animal behavior at the School of Information Science and Technology, with Australian Geographic magazine.

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