Strange pink elephant – Photo: Caters News Agency
The little pink elephant lost among the herd of elephants is absolutely not a product of photoshop. That is an image that people took at Kruger National Park in South Africa.
According to Daily Mail on March 10, the image of the pink elephant was taken by tourist Nicki Coertze, 58 years old, when he visited the national park.
A small elephant among its kind – Photo: Caters News Agency
Mr. Coertze said: “We happened to encounter the pink elephant with her herd going to the Shingwedsi River to drink water. We took pictures of the elephant through the car window.”
“I have loved Kruger National Park since childhood. Every year, I usually come here about 20-30 days. But this is the first time I have seen this strange elephant,” this man added.
The little elephant went to the river to drink water with her herd – Photo: Caters News Agency
According to scientists, this elephant has albinism, an extremely rare phenomenon in African elephants. Although living in a national park, protected from poachers, this adorable elephant still faces many risks. Lack of pigment in the skin can cause skin problems when exposed to the harsh African sun. In addition, the eyes of albino animals are very sensitive to light and are at risk of blindness.
The pink elephant is at risk of going blind – Photo: Caters News Agency