Rescue on the Doorstep: A Stranger’s Heroic Race to Save a Collapsing Bait Puppy.-davinci


Sweet Jax is a Pit Bull puppy who overcame what many people consider are unfathomable chances to survive. He’s a five-month-old Pit Bull puppy with severe injuries that would have killed many humans and dogs if they hadn’t received quick medical care. His face and neck were sliced, his eyes were closed, and he was breathing rapidly.

His tail was the only clue that he was still alive. The vet advised me that his condition is superb, despite the fact that it did not appear to be so. He was patched up, and Jax spent two weeks in critical care, receiving both medical therapy and loving attention.

Jax’s will to live is returning, and he has completely transformed from a near-death puppy to one full of life! Jax completely regains his strength!

The organisation that is aiding Jax suspects he was a victim of a dog fighting ring. They created this film to raise awareness about the issue and show Jax’s rehabilitation process.

Their main message to us is: if you see something or believe something is happening, please report it! To say nothing and do nothing is ineffective! Nothing stops when we keep silent.

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