NASA equipment is being loaded onto the exceedingly unattractive giant-headed airplane


Welcome back to Daily Aviation for a feature on NASA’s response to replacing the old Boeing 377 Stratocruiser and moving its major components from manufacturers on the west coast to launch sites on the east coast. today known as Super Guppy. Image Credit: NASA, Ohio Air National Guard / U.S. Air Force / U.S. Navy, Derivative Study of The Daily Aviation Thumbnail Credit: Nasa, Derivative Study of The Daily Aviation


–When the US Air Force transitioned from his F-4s to F-15s and F-16s, he was fortunate to be stationed at Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa. Working right next door to the airline, I watched these two big planes do battle in the open sea with his F-5 as the enemy player. I still love looking at jets and old WWII planes when I get the chance.

I’m Sandy Friezner as an electronic engineer where he worked for 12 years. During the initial development and flight testing of the Super Guppy Sandy, he observed the instrumentation of the upper cargo compartment exploding during a high speed dive. This is documented and available. Thank you Joe G

I once saw a Super Gulpie when I was in California. When the Pentagon isn’t using his C-5 transport aircraft for these types of missions, he uses them to carry heavy equipment across the country and around the world. This aircraft is a modified C-97 of his, and it is highly likely that parts other than the engine and fuselage are from his C-97.

Thank you SpaceX. Look at that stupid 50’s tech. Think about it, NASA planes that can’t fly cross country; go figure

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