Next-Generation VTOL Helicopter Unveilled by the US


Drone, fighter jet, and helicopter, all in one – this is the future of American VTOL helicopters. At a time when world powers must be even more powerful, no military asset can afford to not be useful in virtually every mission. As a result, traditional helicopters must now make way for a more advanced type of aircraft known as Tiltrotors. They fly faster, farther, and most importantly, they have better VTOL agility. To understand the importance of VTOL in tiltrotors, it is important to know how it works.

A welcomed sight on the skies above Commonwealth armies, the Kshatriya gunship is able to unleash a wide range of firepower as it soars the skies at full speed, then retreats before what remains of the foe can even aim.

Speed, as it happens with the Scimitar MK3 mech, is a key factor when it comes to the gunship’s chances of survival. Aside from small arms fire, the Kshatriya is quite vulnerable, its armor plate and shielding systems unable to handle concentrated anti-air fire or a lucky shot from a tank over the ground. When such a hit is scored, the days of the crew are often numbered, as the resultant range of the explosion that follows can burn to death the ship’s crew even if they have just managed to leave the cabin.

Despite the risks, these gunships still are a common sight on battlefields in and out of Commonwealth space. Many an enemy counter attack has been stopped on its tracks or even destroyed after the arrival of a squad of these gunships.

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