Encounter with powerful predators: Mother jaguar risks her life to pounce on hundreds of people in the village in search of her lost child.picasso


A new video posted on social media has shown the scene of a wild jaguar attacking a mass of people in a village in India and fiercely fighting with the rangers.

Newspapers attack people.

A ranger is struggling to escape a leopard’s clutches.

Leopards attack people.

This man tried to control the leopard with a rope.

The clip shows the leopard frantically running around the village and grabbing at least six people.

Earlier, locals had informed rangers that they had discovered a leopard hiding in a house.

After the ranger fired an anesthetic arrow at the big cat, it suddenly jumped over the wall and caused chaos throughout the village.

Leopards attack people.

The crowd nervously watched the ranger and the leopard “put up” against each other.

Leopards bite people.

Finally, the leopard was pushed to the ground.

In the video, dozens of people try to run away from the dangerous animal.

The leopard pounced on a man and tried to knock him down with its mouth and claws before attacking another resident.

Leopards attack people.

The leopard chased a local resident while the others fled.

Leopards bite people.

The leopard switched its target to someone else.

Leopards attack people.

The villagers tried to surround the leopard in the net.

Leopards bite people

Hundreds of curious people watched the jaguar siege.

Rangers tried to stop the jaguar with an anesthetic gun twice in a row, but were unsuccessful. Only after the third dose of anesthetic did the animal show signs of absorption.

Khushwinder Singh, a ranger, said: ” We fired three anesthetic arrows but it was only neutralized on the third dose. When the leopard was going mad, the sedative had no effect on it.” .

The ferocious leopard was finally locked up in a house in the village. Hours later, a veterinary team from a nearby zoo arrived to remove the unconscious animal.

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