Shelter Workers Discover ‘Shiny Objects’ Attached to Stray Dogs’ Foreheads, Uncover Surprising Truth

Shelter Workers Discover ‘Shiny Objects’ Glued To Stray Dogs’ Foreheads, Then Realize What It Is

in California, they attracted a lot of attention.

As soon as they arrived at the shelter, the staff noticed that there was something shiny on their foreheads.

When the shelter staff approached the pups, they were both shocked and confused when they realized that the dogs had jewelry glued to their foreheads.

Although many of the shelter members had worked in animal care for a long time, they had never seen something like that before.

The Adorable Duo Finds A Home

dog with green jewel

Peanut Butter is a Beagle and Pug mix, and Jelly is a female Chihuahua mix. They arrived at the shelter, and the veterinary team decided that the jewels and glue needed to be removed. They wanted to make sure the glue didn’t contain any harmful substances.

After the glue was removed, it was determined that it didn’t cause any damage to the canines’ health. However, Peanut Butter and Jelly had a secondary burn and they were left with scars on their foreheads.

dog with something shiny on head

Other than that, the canines were alright, and they were eager to find their forever parents and start a new life.

The doggos were happy when a wonderful family came along and gave them a wonderful home. Their family loved them and took care of them. Sadly, after their owner passed away, the pups had no one else to care for them. 

At The Shelter Once Again

happy young woman posing with two dogs

Their foster mom, Lisa Arden, took great care of them. She cuddled with them and gave them all her love.

“They are very sweet and friendly dogs who are great around people and get along well with other dogs. They continue to blossom in foster, showing both of their silly personalities. They are both still quite active and love to run around and play. They are just the most wonderful dogs,”

Although both dogs had big personalities, Arden said that Jelly was the boss of Peanut Butter. She liked telling him what to do.

A Forever Home

two tiny dogs on the green grass

The video went viral. The lovely pups and their magnetic personalities stole the hearts of many people online.

On October 26th in 2023, Arden shared great news  Peanut Butter and Jelly had a virtual meet and greet with their new dad. They had an amazing time.

Arden said that she was certain that the doggos found the best possible home. They can’t wait for the adoption to be finalized, and for them to ride into the sunset with their new dad.

We’re thrilled that the lovely pooches found their forever home, and we wish them many adventures with their new dad.

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